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  • SINGLE BASIN SIPHONES : 1) Integrity without using any joint in draught model
    2) Having bronze screw with nickel plating which is 75 mm in fraught model. (for installing washing basin)
    3) Hundred percent sealing
    4) 304 non-magnetic steel with high thickness for prevention of rustiness
    5) Having steel nut for preventing of rustiness
    6) Ease of installation
    7) Having the draught sewage output in tanked model
    8) Having the regulator pipe for tank height in the buged shape for sealing and complete holding of tank in comparison with simple pipes in tanked model Top
  • DOUBLE BASIN SIPHONS : 1) Integrity with a sliding joint in draught model
    2) Hundred percent sealing by using two oaring washer from NBR (this NBR type has no reaction with hot water and washing materials.)
    3) Ease in installing
    4) The capability of using this siphon in pelas design sinks in the situation that washing machine and dishwasher are situated on sink's both sides and all sewage emptying is done through sewage output
    5) The capability of longitudinal adjustment because of being on a slide
    6) Non-magnetic 304 steel with high thickness for prevention of rustiness
    7) Having steel nut for prevention of rustiness
    8) Having the draught sewage output in tanked model
    9) Having the regulator pipe for tank height in the bulged shape for sealing and complete holding of tank in comparison with simple pipes in tanked model Top
  • HOSE PIPES WITH NUTS : 1) Hose pipes with nut size 1 ½ " and 1 ¼ "
    2) Hose pipe 1¼" usable in automatic water courses
    3) Hose pipe with 150 Cm length for using in specific cases Top